Painting exhibition | João Massano
Im Grünen Bereich
Weserstraße 180 _ May 2024

Vernissage: Donnerstag / Thursday, 23.05.2024 / 17–22 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours:

 Freitag / Friday, 24.05.2024 / 16–20 Uhr
Samstag / Saturday, 25.05.2024 / 14–19 Uhr
Sonntag / Sunday, 26.05.2024 / 14–19 Uhr


Never has the bright of the sky been so shadowy.

Bare trunks blending into oxidized steel and sharpening toward the sky or bending in upon themselves.

Gross energy is accumulated in the static state of these bodies.

Torn noises ring out in the silent fog, the breaking of one arm, the sprouting of another.

Each movement with a slow and fearless potency.

Mute echoes and mumbling screams, the rumble of this violent dialogue with the sky.

J.Massano 2024


João Massano is a Portuguese artist based in Lisbon.

He studied at the António Arroio Art School, where he specialized in Graphic Design.

In 2019, he graduated with a degree in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon,

where he had the chance to explored many mediums and forms of expression such as

painting, installation, video art, and photography.

In 2017, he was the winner of a one-year scholarship at the MArts School, Lisbon,

where he had his first contact with the practice of printmaking.

Between 2019 and 2022, he developed his artistic work in a collective studio in Lisbon,

and during this period took part in several collective and individual exhibitions,

while also organizing and participating in a few residences with the association POUSIO AIR.

He is currently living in Florence, where he is studying engraving

and printmaking at the IL Bisonte Foundation.